Meta, its parent company WhatsApp and Facebookannounced the availability of two new monetization features for eligible creators in Kenya: In-stream ads on Facebook and Facebook ads on wheels.
In-stream ads on Facebook and Facebook ads on wheels will allow creators to earn money for creating original videos and cultivating the community.
Available today, eligible creators in Kenya will be able to monetize their video and reel content, with support on more than 30 languages worldwide, including Swahili.
To use any product, creators must pass and remain compliant with Facebook’s Affiliate Monetization Policies and Content Monetization Policies, and must be at least 18 years old. Additionally, for in-stream ads, creators must meet certain requirements eligibility requirements like having at least 5,000 followers.
Facebook in-stream ads and ads on Facebook reels
- In-stream ads it can play before, during or after video-on-demand, whether it’s pre-recorded content or when posting a previous live stream recording. In-stream ad types include; Pre-roll ads (played before a video starts), Ads during video (played during video), Image ads (static image ads that appear below content) and Ads after video (ads that appear at the end of videos).
- Ads on Facebook reels integrate seamlessly into original reels, allowing creators to be paid based on performance of their original cylinders while entertaining the fans.
What they say
Commenting on the traffic, Moon BuzzHead of Global Partnerships, Africa, Middle East and Turkey (AMET) at Meta said:Every day, we’re inspired by the incredible African creators who use Facebook to tell their stories, connect with others, and bring people together. This expansion will enable the right creators in the vibrant creative industry in Kenya to earn money while raising the bar for creativity around the world and making Meta’s family of apps the one stop service for all creators.“
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