Author: Trendy Ghana 🇬🇭

Ahead of the climactic quarter-finals of the 2023 National Science Mathematics Quiz (NSMQ), Presec Legon supporters were confident they could easily secure the last spot in the semi-finals. However, Tuesday night witnessed a fierce clash of intelligence and knowledge that challenged their expectations as they faced strong opposition from Accra Academy and GSTS. The first match was held in an atmosphere filled with anticipation and excitement. Presek Legon made it through the first round with 28 points and maintained a narrow lead, while Accra Academy were close behind with 26 points. Meanwhile, GSTS accumulated 11 points. Accra Academy showed their…

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Hours after the failed vote to elect the next speaker of the House of Representatives, former House Speaker Paul Ryan discussed the deadlock among Republicans in the search for a successor to Rep. Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.) at a Policy Institute forum Tuesday night. .During the event, which was moderated by Harvard Kennedy School and Economics Professor Karen E. Dynan, Ryan criticized the current state of national politics in relation to the economy and the growing national debt.”You have unserious policy that is incapable of addressing the drivers of our debt, which are basically our entitlement programs,” Ryan said.”It’s all populism…

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Independent states in the Pacific region have the lower levels of the political representation of women in the world. Less than 7% of Pacific politicians are women, compared to 27% globally. The absence of women’s voices in political decision-making has existed rises consistently in regional forums, although progress has been slow. However, in November 2022, a milestone was reached: for the first time, there was at least one elected woman in every Pacific parliament. This seems to validate a common ‘give it time’ sentiment – that women’s political representation in the Pacific is set to gradually increase. However, the reality…

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I am really saddened by the President’s reference to who voted for him and who did not vote for him in his speech to the victims of the Akosombo dam leak. In moments of such man-made disaster, I expected a comforting and compassionate word without innuendo: “If it’s a matter of measuring who votes for me and who doesn’t vote for me, I shouldn’t be here, . ..” The least I expected from our President, whose survival as President depends on every tax payer’s money, would address the psychologically traumatized citizens by citing the voting pattern of the victims. This…

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The National Communications Director of the ruling New Patriotic Party (NPP), Richard Ahyagba, has weighed in on the opposition National Democratic Congress (NDC) over its stand on support for the victims of the Akosombo and Kpong dam spill. President Nana Akufo-Addo, on Monday, October 16, courted controversy when he subtly reminded some victims of the Akosombo dam spill at Mepe in the Volta Region that he had visited them to commiserate with them, regardless of the fact that the residents there make him not vote for his party. Many criticized the President characterizing his comment as unpresidential and insensitive. The…

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In the last week of September, news broke that a 60-year-old woman was killed in her home in northern Ghana by a young male relative. “All I know is that she is suspected of witchcraft,” said Zakari Iddi, the woman’s brother-in-law. he said Citi Newsroom. The killing comes after recent efforts by Christian leaders and the Ghanaian government to protect the lives of those like the victim, often elderly men or women, who have been accused of witchcraft and then abused, exiled or killed. This year the Parliament of Ghana passed a bill unanimously criminalizing all charges of witchcraft. The…

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Former Ghanaian President John Dramani Mahama has revived his bid for the presidency of Ghana. Mahama’s party, the National Democratic Congress (NDC), last week endorsed him to lead it in Ghana’s 2024 elections. He won over 98% of the vote during the NDC primaries. The 2024 vote will be Mahama’s third attempt at the presidency since winning in 2012. The ruling New Patriotic Party will hold its own primaries in November, while the presidential election is scheduled for December 7, 2024.Image: AP photo/image alliance Does Mahama have a realistic chance? The ruling New Patriotic Party (NPP) is expected to choose…

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In rural northern Ghana, there is little evidence of government action. There are few paved roads, government buildings or law enforcement officials. It’s easy to think that the state doesn’t have the resources to control much of anything in such places. “In the rural periphery of the developing world, we tend to think of the state as quite absent,” says MIT political scientist Noah Nathan. “You can see that there are not many offices, bureaucrats or police. The state has a light footprint. As a result, we believe that the state is weak and unable to change rural politics and…

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The Ghana Immigration Service Western Regional Command (GIS), through its Axim Sector Command, has arrested a total of 31 ECOWAS nationals on suspicion of being part of a syndicate involved in commercial sex labor and human trafficking in safe houses in Ellembelle District and Nzema East Municipality. of the western region. The two-day intelligence operation was led by Deputy Director General of Immigration Emmanuel Dames of the Axim Area Command, along with selected personnel from the Axim and Mpohole offices, to investigate the brothel complex at 2:30 a.m. on Saturday, October 14th. The attack began with a raid on the…

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During the NSMQ quarterfinal contest, the event’s Twitter administrator poked fun at St. Augustine’s University’s reluctance to ask questions, likening it to the local superstition of fishermen avoiding Fishing Tuesday. Similarly, Keta High School, nicknamed ‘Bakano Boys’ due to its coastal location, is playfully mentioned in the update, adding a humorous touch to the reporting of the event. The administrator’s resourceful approach demonstrated the playful side of the NSMQ update.During the 2023 National Science and Mathematics Quiz (NSMQ) quarter-final competition involving St. Augustine’s University, Keta High School, and Tamale High School, the NSMQ Twitter page administrator accused St. Augustine’s University…

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